
BSC Contract Address: 0x65640E72fEE770dD54CA2BeF836E86ef9f87EDC0
BSC Contract Address: 0x65640E72fEE770dD54CA2BeF836E86ef9f87EDC0

Status: listed

Votes for listing: 634/500

Votes: 634

Votes Today: 0

Network: BSC

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Status listed
Votes for listing 634/500
All time votes 634
Votes today: 0

The TxBitcoin token was developed for use in the field of decentralised marketing and advertising services. The TxBitcoin serves as a bridge between the services of website operators or agencies and their clients, resulting in an effective marketing strategy. Advertising projects or ads must be purchased directly from the supported exchange through TXB in order to to use the provider's marketing services. As the customer base of the TxBitcoin token grows, demand will also demand for TXB directly increases, which increases the value of the token. Value of the token.

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Marketcap 7930.20351475
Price (USD) 0.00793020351475 0.00793020351475
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Added March 7, 2022
Launch March 6, 2022